Thursday, June 5, 2008

Weebles Wobble

And so do rings. The WOD featured Ring Dips - something I've never tried before. Mia showed me how to do it, in perfect form as usual. I clambered up there and slowly and very shakily eased myself down into a dip. My legs were jerking around like a spastic and the rings were threatening to depart in separate directions, but I held it together. I did about five and then took a break to do some ab rolling. I got a little better at it as I did two more sets and it was actually a lot of fun. The ab rolling was a terrific break from the rings and I know my arms, abs and low back are going to be sore tomorrow! In a good way, you know.

Do yourself a favour and watch Old School. Vince Vaughn does Ring Dips while he smokes a cigarrette.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god I gotta see that. I bet it's just hilarious...ring dips and a dart! Too funny! Nice job tonight Brandt, sorry I kinda missed you at the end. Those stupid ab wheels were killing me! No wonder everyone calls it the evil wheel. Oh ya, my lower back always hurts while I'm doing them but, if it makes you feel any better, I don't feel much pain there the next day. Hope it's the same for you. :)

Surrey Sterling said...

update yer blog dude!