Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Zoning and Moaning

Have you ever walked into your gym and felt as if you haven't worked out a day in your life? Your arms and legs are heavy, your butt is dragging the ground and everything feels heavy - even the plastic training weights? Yes, I am feeling that today.

I developed a cold last Thursday and decided to take a rest day on Saturday instead of Crossfit. That was probably a wise choice as I could hardly breathe without sneezing and I was a bit woozy. The end result is that it's been four days since I've been to the gym. To make matters worse, I took a 'holiday' from the Zone over the weekend. Burgers, hot dogs, cola, pumpkin pie, and at least a half dozen double-doubles from Tim Hortons. It was glorious. Every now and then I need to relax the restrictions and remind myself why I do things like the Zone. It tastes delicious but then I feel awful afterwards - tired, sluggish and not strong.

Today we did a three-round complex to warm up the body, using progressively heavier weights. The complex was made up of Olympic moves like deadlifting and snatching and it got me breathing deeply. The heart of the WOD was three rounds of five squats. I warmed up with 135lb and then jacked it up to 180lb for a set of five. After that round I added 10lbs and stayed there for the other two rounds. That was about all my legs were interested in lifting for me today so I console myself with the fact that I squatted 2785lbs this morning. Yay me!

The final part to this WOD was a fast three rounds of 12 pullups and 7 box jumps. Just right.

That was an nice way to break into a banner week of fitness and to celebrate I am strict Zoning again. I am starting to feel a bit more energetic. I hope it doesn't take all week to get back to where I was. Ah the price we pay!


Jill said...

nice work! will you be at xfit on thursday morning or evening?

Surrey Sterling said...

Yo Yo! Whut up Honkey! You gonna roll out some new blog or what? Were all waiting to see this gig! Lets go! Lets go! Did you train today?

Hollie said...

Hey Brandt, how ya feeling, I hope you are getting back at er soon:) Stay motivated!!!!

Surrey Sterling said...

Ok I hope this are A.O.K with your sir Linkowski! it quiet...to quiet.