I play favourites. You know who you are. And when it comes to exercises, the barbell complex is in my top three. It's my second favourite next to the granddaddy of all movements - the squat. But what the complex gives me that the squat doesn't is variety. And in today's WOD, it included both a front squat and a back squat. Have your cake and eat it too, I say. I often wonder what other people's favourite moves are. I know Jill likes the complex too - she's over the moon about it. I relate to that. I'd like to go back this evening and do it all over again. But I think I'll have a zoned Starbucks instead and reflect upon the great session this morning.
The mission is:
5 Rounds
BB Complex
6 - DL-Row - H power clean - F squat - P press - B squat - P jerk (That's 30 of each, if you're counting)
7 am is early. I've been up for a total of 45 minutes when I greet the gym. Fed on four blocks of zoned oatmeal, I'm ready to go. I decide to start light and work my way up. The weak link in the complex is going to be the overhead press. After so many sets my shoulders will be very tired and not able to press overhead what I am capable of deadlifting and squatting. I load on 65lbs but in a cruel twist of fate, I select the 'girl' bar with my two 15's . Meh, heavy is heavy. It's not painted pink. I stand with my back to the mirror. I'm learning a thing or two, you see. While the mirror can be useful, I find it a distraction when I'm focusing on complex movements. I keep catching my eyes and look upward during the clean and squat. That's bad form, so, with my back to the mirror, I start with the deadlift (dead easy), row it, then power clean it (yeah!), descend into the front squat (must remember to put the bar on my shoulders, not strong-arm it), presssssssss it overhead, squat it down (love it) and then jerk it overhead, finally touching the plates to the mat quickly before starting the cycle again.
Oh man, I am loving this. I've got my new lifting shoes on and I'm feeling strong and in control. The weight is right and I'm working hard to get through this. After a few rounds, the presses and jerks are getting difficult. I take great lungfuls of air when I rest between rounds. I think I averaged about two minutes between rounds which is probably a bit quick for strength training but I'm itching to get back at it. You have to make hay when the sun shines.
The last two rounds are very difficult. Pain has arrived and brought friends: lactic acid and oxygen deprivation. They are miserable houseguests. I am working now with a precipice on either side of me. If I go to slowly and rest at key points in the complex, it takes me longer to complete. If I blast through it, I run the risk of exhausting myself on that pace. I pick the middle - a breath catch here and there, but no rest stops until the round is done. Aggression turns to power and that helps a lot. Fuck it. Breath later. Fuck it. Rest later. I look deep into that desire to stop! stop! stop! and I remember the words of Robert Frost. 'The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep'. I redouble my efforts and I close the WOD with a great finish.
Yeah, definitely a top favourite. Look out squat.
65, 65, 75, 85, 95lbs.
Love every minute of your blog. and the Frost refernce- very nice!
thanks for the honourable mention, i felt special :) but you are spot on. LOVE the complex. I was planning on being there at 7 right beside you and that bar but i got called into work dammit! see you next week!
haha I was totally kidding, my starbucks drinks aren't even close to being zoned. Do you have a zoned starbucks drink? I wouldn't be surprised, if you can zone cheesecake, what can't you zone? :)
Nice work on the BC! Great post B, I was curious, did you get all 30 reps done each round without putting down the bar? Sorry you were getting reps and rounds mixed together:) Gett'in strong eh!
Nice work on the BC! Great post B, I was curious, did you get all 30 reps done each round without putting down the bar? Sorry you were getting reps and rounds mixed together:) Gett'in strong eh!
Yes, no rest periods putting the bar down. There are two places that I chose to catch my breath - in the top position of the deadlift with the bar resting at the top of my thighs and also the top postion of the back squat with the bar resting on my uppper back. A few quick deep breaths was enough to get me over the hump. As I begin the next three-month goal period in Crossfit, I'm concentrating on being correct in my form and reducing or eliminating those little breaks in mid set.
Great Brandt, that is awesome work on the complex. That is the battle in the complex not putting the bar down! you are so right though rest to long and dammed, don't rest and your still dammed. Its a balancing act between rest and work! Why don't you ever post pix?
Hey Brandt Thanks for the post! Yep just getting back at her. Yes I do live on the farm and you are right so peaceful! I love it! Looks like your training is going good keep it up. :)
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